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首页   >>   成功案例   >>   Vibration frequency detection

Vibration frequency detection



Some customers find that there is a deviation in vibration frequency detection after purchasing and using a vibration test bench. The frequency detected by the vibration test bench at low frequencies is twice the set frequency, but it is more accurate and consistent at high frequencies. So, what is the reason for this phenomenon? Below, we will explain it from several aspects.

1. Directional sensors are necessary, otherwise there may be noise and interference from the sensors, and sometimes the frequency will be twice as high

When testing all vibration test benches, due to the fact that the domestic testing equipment is a 100000 to 300000 yuan detection system and does not use directional sensors, it will be affected by electromagnetic interference when testing vibration test benches, and the measured amount is often double, sometimes arbitrary, and sometimes consistent. Like a radio, sometimes there is noise and interference, which can also result in double frequency. If directional sensor detection equipment (close to 800000 to 1 million) is used for detection, it can eliminate the clutter, noise, noise, and electromagnetic interference, and the measured frequency will be very accurate. Due to the large magnetic leakage of the electromagnetic suction vibration table, the sensor will be interfered with, resulting in inaccurate detection of the electromagnetic vibration table.

2. The cylindrical vibration test bench can be tested by

Because the cylindrical vibration test bench itself is inside a circular iron drum, surrounded by magnetic induction, it is minimally affected. Its countertop is made of nickel magnesium chromium alloy, and it is pushed out without any holes below, so the measured frequency is very standard.










